Monday, 1 September 2014

Add Calculator to the MS Excel Quick Access Ribbon for Instant Access

For all the working professionals out there, here is something that is worth knowing. If you work on computer, and specifically on MS word or Excel you know it is sometimes really useful to use the Windows Computer. Now since we don’t anymore use the old hand held calculator, Windows Calculator      remains our primary choice.

While starting the calculator is never difficult, as you just need to press the Windows key with R button to open the Run box and type in Calc to launch the Calculator, do you know that you can also add the Calculator to the MS Excel Quick Access ribbon? Well, till today even I didn’t know that there is a way to place the Calculator icon right on the Excel toolbar for instant access, thus thought of sharing it with you guys.

If you see your MS Excel quick access ribbon (left side on the title bar) you will see there are some icons like Save button, Undo and others, this is where you can place the Calculator icon too. How? Follow the steps below:
• Click the drop down arrow button on the ribbon, to open the menu.

• Now we need to click the More Commands option so that we can choose what all icons we need to place or not.
• In the window that opens, select the option of Commands not in the Ribbon, which will load those icons which are less used and are not placed in the default ribbon.

• Now browse for the Calculator option, select and click the Add button besides so as to  add it to the right side of the box.

• When you click the OK button at the bottom, the Calculator icon will be added to your MS Excel Quick Access Toolbar ribbon.

So in order to make those complex calculations, you don’t need to launch the calculator by the Run box, just press this icon and start working on it right away.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Google Now Card to tell where you Parked your Car

Google is constantly undergoing improvements and changes. A small change which was done proved to be a major improvement for almost all of us.You can use Google Now to find the approximate location of your parked car.Google is making it a bit easier to get back to your car when you’ve parked in an unfamiliar city, at the mall, a concert, or any other spot that poses a challenge for those with a poor sense of direction.

How do I enable this?

All you have to do is make sure “Driving” is set as your main mode of transportation.
  1. Open Google Now, scroll all the way down, and tap the Magic Wand icon.
  2. Go to Customize > Everything else > “How do you usually get around?”
  3. Choose Driving.

When the card shows up in Google Now, you’ll see an indicator showing the approximate location of your car. To see other locations where you’ve recently parked, touch Previous locations. Your location data for parking location cards isn’t shared with anyone else.

If I didn’t park, why do I see a parking location card?

Google uses your device’s sensors to know when you leave a moving vehicle, which means you may see parking location cards even if you didn’t park your car. For example, these cards could show up after you exit a bus or a friend’s car.

Choose when to see parking location cards

To customize parking location cards, follow these steps:
  1. When a parking location card shows up in Google Now, touch the  Menu icon on the card.
  2. Answer the questions to choose when to see the card.

Turn off parking location cards

To turn off parking location cards, follow these steps:
  1. When a parking location card shows up in Google Now, touch the  Menu icon on the card.
  2. Touch No when you’re asked if you want to keep receiving reminders about your parking location.
If you don’t drive often, you can turn off parking location cards by changing your transportation setting in Google Now. To change this setting, open the main Google Now screen, then touch  Customize > Everything else > How do you usually get around?

Introducing Google Now

Introducing Google Now-What is it 

Google Now             How to get it

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Preprocessor in C


A preprocessor is a program which will executed automatically before passing the source program to compiler means it takes the source c program as an input before compilation and reads all preprocessor statements begin with #(hash) symbol and processes those statements which may result in the alteration of the 'C' code and generates a complete 'C' file and gives it to the compiler as an input.All preprocessor directives should be not ended with (;).

Preprocessor statements are also called the preprocessor directive.We can place pre-processor directives anywhere in the program, but generally recommended to place top of the program before defining the first function.

These statements instruct the compiler to include C preprocessors such as header files and symbolic constants before compiling the C program. Some of the preprocessor statements are listed below.

Header Files


Symbolic Constants

#define PI 3.14159
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

In ‘C’ language pre-processor directives are classified into 4 types

  1. Macro substitution directives. example: #define
  2. File inclusion directives. example: #include
  3. Conditional compilation directive. example: #if, #else, #ifdef, #undef
  4. Miscellaneous directive. example: #error, #line

#if, #elif, #else, #endif

These preprocessing directives create conditional compiling parameters that control the compiling of the source code. They must begin on a separate line.

#if constant_expression


#elif constant_expression

The compiler only compiles the code after the #if expression if the constant_expression evaluates to a non-zero value (true). If the value is 0 (false), then the compiler skips the lines until the next #else#elif, or#endif. If there is a matching #else, and the constant_expression evaluated to 0 (false), then the lines between the #else and the #endif are compiled. If there is a matching #elif, and the preceding #if evaluated to false, then the constant_expression after that is evaluated and the code between the #elif and the #endif is compiled only if this expression evaluates to a non-zero value (true). 

Friday, 1 August 2014

Java History

Java is one of the programming language/technology.
James Gosling-Father of JAVA

     JAVA Logo            

Sun microsystems Logo
Java is a programming language which is used for developing so many applications and programs in present IT industry. In Java you can write code in form of classes something similar to C++ language. And it’s a purely Object Oriented Programming Language. Java is also a platform Independent language i.e you can write code in one OS and can run same compiled code in another OS. Java supports millions library classes which you can be imported while coding. These libraries provide billions of methods and these methods help programmer to develop a well optimized and readable code.
Java language developed by company “Sun Micro System” and creator is James Gosling.Sun micro System Started by group of the students who are studying in Stanford University.These peoples found the problem in their room with electronic consumable remote. That means one electronic consumable control is not worked on another electronics consumable. These people want to develop a common remote control which is controlling all the electronic consumables so their contacted James Gosling and requested for the projects.James Gosling decided to develop a language for consumer devices (cable boxes, etc.). They wanted the language to be small and use efficient code since these devices do not have powerful CPUs. They also wanted the language to be hardware independent since different manufacturers would use different CPUs.  Sun Micro System started by group of students out of them one person also Indian whose name “Vinode Khosla”.
With Java, Sun Microsystems established the first programming language that wasn’t tied to any particular operating system or microprocessor. James Gosling and his team members given the project name as “Green” started in the year 1990 and common remote control completed in the year 1992.
The James Gosling team develop a new language called as “OAK” But there was another language called Oak , they decided to rename OAK. New name was given to OAK , OAK was renamed Java in1994.Scientifically Java is one of the coffee seed name.Java was publicly released on May 27, 1995.
Java’s principles developed to build a software for consumer electronics products in the homelike the VCR, the microwave oven, the security system, and the stereo system.
Note:  SUN is the acronym for the Stanford University Network.
Note:  The unofficial abbreviation of java is “Just another virtual analyzer” (JAVA).